Friday, October 2, 2009

"You know a place where you can go to pet puppies???"

Location...Cusco, Peru

Wow! I have already been here for a certainly doesn't feel that way. This week was a blast and I met so many new people. I find that traveling solo gives me the opportunity to partake in a little sociologiocal experiment...I watch others and how they interact with each other. German and Dutch tourists here seem to be the majority of the gringos. Funny, though, they seem to stick with their own language group and don't seem to branch out much, which interests me. I just don't get why you would travel all the way to Peru to hang out with people who look and sound just like you. I know it must be a comfort, but I just can't imagine spending my time that way. Anyway, some updates!

Today I woke up refreshed and ready to continue my exploration. I woke up too late and missed my 30 minute window for showering. Not sure if I mentioned this or not, but there is no water in San Blas, the neighborhood I am staying in, from 9 in the morning until about 8 at night. And even at 8pm, it only spits out a little bit of water and then by 9 no water is left. If I am lucky, I get one flush on the toilet a day, so I have to be smart about when I flush...hehehe. gross. So, anyway, I missed my shower, which usually consists of me racing the hot water. Basically, it's a real treat if there is water, and if it's tepid, that's even better! If the water is hot, you feel as though you've struck gold. Usually, I get about a minute and a half in before it turns frigid, and I try to have the majority of the cleansing done by then. Just so you know, Dad, I am showering, so I hope that makes you happy :)

On Wednesday, I got to go to a ¨partido de futbol,¨AKA a soccer match. The stadium here is just gorgeous, and as the game went on, I got the watch the sun make shadowns on the mountains. Cusquena is a miserable team, and I guess they lose almost all of their games, but it was definitely fun to go. I bought a jersey for the game and the ticket to enter...all for $9! Crazy, huh! On the way into the game, vendors are selling all kinds of foods, like potatoes and meat on a stick, hamburgers with sausage in the middle, and my favorite, CHURROS!!! I was so excited by this.

Since I am not the biggest sports fan, I spent most of the time watching a little boy play with a marble in the seats below me. He was so happy to entertain himself, and threw the marble in the air with great excitement. Unfortunately, after a few throws, the marble rolled down the aisle in front of him, and though he tried, he just couldn´t get it back. A few minutes later, he returned with a straw, and spent the second half of the game playing with it.

La Plaza de Armas, the main plaza in Peru, lit up at night.

During the week, I got the pleasure of making many new friends, one of which is the girl pictured above, Jackie. Her mom is a vendor and she wanted to sell me a belt. We got some time to chat and watch Jackie play. She was just adorable! I also got the chance to meet Dayana´s family, the girl I met the other night on the park benches. I met her little sister, Fabria, and her mom invited me to come by her shop soon and watch her make her goods by hand. The people here are so lovely, and I could spend all day just chatting with them.
Last night, I went to go eat at Govinda´s, a vegetarian restaurant led by the Hare Krishna. There was one more person in the room, and he asked if I´d like to eat with him. That´s one of the cool things about traveling by yourself- you are so open to meet new people where ever you go- it´s a very different feeling than traveling with a buddy or a group, which definitely limits your options for meeting new people. Anyway, my friend, Alonso (he is originally from Peru and doing a bit of traveling), and I got to chatting, and he told me that he had found a place to pet puppies that day! I couldn´t believe my ears- a place to go and pet puppies!!!! Alonso and I tried to go today, but sadly, there were no more free puppies to pet. We hope they found good homes.

This is Josefina, who I met this morning. Like the vendor yesterday, she wanted me to buy a belt. I asked her how she made them, and she got down on the ground and got out all of her supplies and started to work. Basically, she cuts the hair from a llama, and then puts it on a spool-like thing and then spends hours thinning the string. Then, she dyes the string different colors, most of which are natural and made from different plants. She ties a knot at the end and places the loop over her foot for security. Then she puts these wooden things on the string and pushes them back and forth, and somehow, magically, this process forms a beautiful belt.

This is a market outside of Cusco, where you can get fresh fruit drinks....yum yum!

Today was an exciting day. I got to walk up to Christo Blanco, which is a gigantic white Jesus that overlooks the city of Cusco. To get there, you must walk up steps which go straight up for about 30 minutes. It is exhausting because you start at 3346 meters and just go UP! About half way up, there is a basketball court, where kids play. This court overlooks the whole city, and it amazes me that people can play and run around at such high elevation. When I got to Christo Blanco, the sky opened and the rain came down! A little puppy was running around and playing, so I got a little doggie time in. Here, there are dogs everywhere! For some reason, most of them right now seem to be puppies. Most of them are friendly, and they are owned by someone, and just range free during the day, picking through trash for food, and then return to their houses at night. Me gustan perritos!!!!

On the way down from Christo Blanco, I ran in to Karin, a girl I knew from 4 years ago! Amazingly, she remembered me and we got to spend a little time together. Karin is now 11 and she sells things in the plaza until 1 at night. Her cousin, Maria, who I also knew 4 years ago, sells items in the plaza as well, so I get to be reunited with these chicas.
Ok, I´ve overstayed my welcome in this internet cafe- please forgive the boring post. I am happy and well and hope all of you are, too.
Buenos noches.